Adoption Home Study Month & Some Other Fun!
What has been on my mind??
Fire extinguishers, smoke detectors, cleaning, organizing, child proofing, paint colors, carpet cleaners- these are just a few of the things running through my mind because it is our Home Study Month!! Jim & I decided in March that we were going to start the adoption process- we felt that God was really leading us to adopt before we have biological children and so here we are!
I can't believe that May has finally arrived and we are so close to starting! Honestly, I have no idea what to expect- and being that I am a total "Type A" that is not easy for me:) I like to know what is going to come next- I LOVE making lists (sometimes they are beyond ridiculous & half the time I make them just to make them and never look at them again!) so naturally I have been making a list of things to do before our home study and this lists just keeps growing- simply because I am so paranoid. While thinking of this list the past week I have realized that I am thinking WAY too much- God is in control of this process, and I can trust that he will guide us through it. Just last week Jim and I were at the hardware store and I mentioned buying a can of paint so we could start painting our kiddos room- he looked at me and said "we can definitely buy some paint, but the paint isn't going to be what makes or breaks our home study- I am sure they don't what color the paint is." SO TRUE.
God is telling me to be still and to trust in him. I am fortunate he is telling me this in the beginning of the process- because I know this will be something I need to do throughout the WHOLE adoption process. SO much of it will be out of our control and in Gods control.
This verse has been my saving grace today, just a little reminder that God is here with Jim & I, guiding our steps, strengthening us and keeping us.
Overall, May has been good to us:) We are refreshed and so ready for our Home Study!
Fire extinguishers, smoke detectors, cleaning, organizing, child proofing, paint colors, carpet cleaners- these are just a few of the things running through my mind because it is our Home Study Month!! Jim & I decided in March that we were going to start the adoption process- we felt that God was really leading us to adopt before we have biological children and so here we are!
I can't believe that May has finally arrived and we are so close to starting! Honestly, I have no idea what to expect- and being that I am a total "Type A" that is not easy for me:) I like to know what is going to come next- I LOVE making lists (sometimes they are beyond ridiculous & half the time I make them just to make them and never look at them again!) so naturally I have been making a list of things to do before our home study and this lists just keeps growing- simply because I am so paranoid. While thinking of this list the past week I have realized that I am thinking WAY too much- God is in control of this process, and I can trust that he will guide us through it. Just last week Jim and I were at the hardware store and I mentioned buying a can of paint so we could start painting our kiddos room- he looked at me and said "we can definitely buy some paint, but the paint isn't going to be what makes or breaks our home study- I am sure they don't what color the paint is." SO TRUE.
God is telling me to be still and to trust in him. I am fortunate he is telling me this in the beginning of the process- because I know this will be something I need to do throughout the WHOLE adoption process. SO much of it will be out of our control and in Gods control.
'Do not fear, for I am with you; do not anxiously look about you, for I am your God. I will strengthen you, surely I will help you, surely I will uphold you with My righteous right hand.' Isaiah 41:10
This verse has been my saving grace today, just a little reminder that God is here with Jim & I, guiding our steps, strengthening us and keeping us.
In between all the organizing, cleaning, and me being totally crazy getting ready for the home study we have been able to relax, have a few good laughs and just enjoy ourselves.
1- "Hiking"
Jim and I went for a "hike" this past weekend because the weather was beautiful. We packed our lunch, got our crazy pooches in their kennels and headed out towards Mt. Rainier. We had the intention of going on a trail to a little lake just outside Mt. Rainier National Park- because dogs aren't permitted in the park. We turned up a logging road and headed up the side of the mountain that was supposed to lead to our trail head- about four miles up the road went from dirt road to covered in really deep snow road. We are obviously amateur hikers- completely forgot to check the snow levels! So we walked up the snow for a little ways and then proceeded down the mountain. Not the greatest "hike" but it sure makes for good memories:)
2- Elli Time
I was able to go on a "date" with my niece Elli. I CANNOT believe how grown-up this girl is now. We went out to pizza and just sat at the table and chatted (It is like she is 8 going on 16-such a mature little girl). I feel like it was just yesterday that this kid was a toddler riding in her Dora jeep. So FUN hanging out with her and watching her grow- she is such a blessing to my life.
3- Mariners Game:)
Jim and I were blessed with free tickets to go watch the Seattle Mariners. Jim is an avid fan and it was a BEAUTIFUL day for a baseball game:)
4- Mother's Day
I now have TWO awesome mothers- who we were able to spend time with on Mother's day. I can only hope that one day [soon] I am half the mom that these ladies were. My mom is constantly cracking me up and she has loved me unconditionally throughout my life (even in those times when I really didn't deserve it). I know how fortunate I am to have her in my life- she laid down her life to make sure her children were happy and I am forever thankful for that. Adding a new mom to my life has been wonderful as well, Jim's mom is awesome and has made me feel like a part of their family from day 1. I am excited to share Mother's day with these two for many, many, many years to come:)
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