Completed home study, Africa & much more!
WOW, it has been forever since I have written a post and so much has happened in these months! First, I want to say thank you to everyone who has been praying and thinking of us- we are so grateful for the prayers and encouragement as we go through our adoption.
Last time I posted we were having our first home study visit- well I am happy to say that we completed our home study in August and are now "paper ready" to adopt! Our home study was completed just about 2 days before Jim & I headed for Africa and we were so blessed to be able to bring our paperwork with us so we could turn it in to the orphanage! This was such a blessing because mailing packages/paperwork to Africa is not the easiest thing to do and it is extremely costly- so we were so fortunate to pack it with us!
When we arrived it was about 6 in the evening and the lady who brought us out there dropped us off at the top of the hill and let us walk down through the village to the house we would be staying at. By the time we arrived at the house we had so many children hanging off our arms we could hardly move. The children spent time with us through the evening until it was dark and it was time for them to go home. That night we went for a "night drive" through the village. There are practically NO lights out in the villages and when our driver switched off the lights it is absolutely PITCH black out there. We went up to the top of the hill to look at the stars and good lord was it a BEAUTIFUL view. I have never seen so many stars in my entire life. The next morning we went for a walk through the "bush" around the village and then we all met at the church to spend the afternoon with the children. We spent the afternoon playing with silly string, bubbles, coloring, playing soccer, singing, and having way too much fun:)
We were able to make a side trip to a place called Jinja where we went horseback riding on the Nile and up through a village. It was FUN but man was it a work out. After we were done riding two of the guys went bungee jumping over the Nile- I didn't have a death wish so I opted out;) but it was great to see them risk their lives for some fun:)
Last time I posted we were having our first home study visit- well I am happy to say that we completed our home study in August and are now "paper ready" to adopt! Our home study was completed just about 2 days before Jim & I headed for Africa and we were so blessed to be able to bring our paperwork with us so we could turn it in to the orphanage! This was such a blessing because mailing packages/paperwork to Africa is not the easiest thing to do and it is extremely costly- so we were so fortunate to pack it with us!
On the airplane ready to go!
We could NOT wait to get to Africa- as I have said way too many times before I LOVE Africa and all I have experienced on my trips there and this trip was no different. We arrived late at night and our welcoming party was amazing- and totally unexpected! Our pastor was there with his family along with about 10 children from the orphanage/school that he runs. Little did we know they had been practicing their traditional dance and were there to perform for us at the airport. After 30 hours of travel we were all exhausted- but this welcoming was just the refresh we needed. The kids danced and danced and we even moved out to the parking lot of the airport where they continued to dance with the help of headlights so we could see them:)
Children at the airport:)
In my last post I talked about a village that changed my life- Kitto Village. Well this trip we were able to stay the night out in this AMAZING village. Yet again, our trip to Kitto was life changing.

Children in Kitto Village & some beautiful views from Kitto
We were able to make a side trip to a place called Jinja where we went horseback riding on the Nile and up through a village. It was FUN but man was it a work out. After we were done riding two of the guys went bungee jumping over the Nile- I didn't have a death wish so I opted out;) but it was great to see them risk their lives for some fun:)
Horseback riding & Bungee Jumping:)
This trip we were able to stay at the orphanage where Jim & I hope to adopt from. Staying there is so great- the rooms are cozy, and the food is good, but the staff and the babies make it all worth it. The children in the orphanage have been through so much and seen so many things- things that we cannot even imagine. But with each day you are there you can see how soft and delicate their little hearts are. No matter how much they have been through, if you show them love, they show you love in return. Just writing about the children brings tears to my eyes- it is incredibly hard to leave a country that has left such a deep imprint on my heart. Luckily, I know that I will be back many times. As of now with our adoption we are just waiting- we turned in our paperwork to the orphanage and we met with our lawyer. Please pray for our process as we continue because it is completely In God's hands. We know that he knows exactly who our child is and when we will bring them home- but until then we will be patient and wait for his timing.
This last picture is me on our last day at the orphanage with two little boys. We are all wearing headbands- I wore one everyday and the boys just had to have one of their own. Just before this picture was taken I was talking to the older boy and tearfully saying goodbye. I asked him to watch out for the littler one, to take care of him and he told me "I promise I will." These boys and the children there left an enormous imprint on my heart, yet again and not a day goes by that I don't think of them and pray for all the kids at the orphanage. I miss them more then ever.
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